What is the name of traditional chinese clothing

What was ancient Chinese fashion like? This infographic shows how Women’s dress fashion evolved in China throughout the age, and shows how much each new ruler sought to impose their style on its Chinese denizens. How did it evolve as Dynasties changed and replaced each other? In 1644, a dramatic shift in ruling occurred in China. One consequence of this epic battle of dynasties, mid autumn festival hanfu that is still visible today? The Manchus took over from the Hans and started the Qing Dynasty. A new form of clothing, the Qipao, – which is what we now associate with China – came to replace the traditional dress of the Han people, the Hanfu. Ancient Chinese Fashion timeline of Women’s clothing -This week’s infographic was made by Nannaia, in an effort to document the evolution of Chinese Women’s clothing across the ages. 🏮 Ninchanese is an incredible app for learning Chinese! ” I actually graduated from the University of Edinburgh with a MA in Chinese. I’ve used Ninchanese daily, and it has helped me a lot! Read on and click through to learn more about the evolution of Chinese clothing throughout the Dynasties. A battle of Dynasties: Hanfu vs. Over the years in China, each new ruling Dynasty was intent on imposing their style to leave a trace. None really dared to revolution the Chinese traditional style of clothing however, until the Qings arrived. The Qipaos, not really Chinese? Qipaos, especially the modern, 1920s Shanghai-inspired, form-fitting Qipaos, are the first type of dresses that spring to mind when one thinks about traditional Chinese clothing. However, this form of dress was actually brought in by the Manchu-ruled Qing Dynasty in the 17th century (1644) and is therefore relatively “new” by Chinese standards. The Qing Dynasty was one of the longest lasting ones in Chinese history (around 300 years), and the last dynasty before China became a republic, chinese hanfu dress which may be why many mistake the Qipao for the Chinese ethnic dress. The Hanfu is said to have appeared during China’s first Empire, about 5,000 years ago and then remained the outfit of choice in China for the next thousand years (its main appearance remaining more or less same over the years, save for a few details). Until the Manchus took over, that is. The Hanfu is even considered to have inspired the Japanese Kimono and the Korean Hanbok. If you want to know more about the Hanfu origins and style, read this and this introduction to Hanfu clothing. The original Chinese traditional dress was, in fact, the Hanfu, 汉服 (literally Han clothing), pink and blue hanfu also know as Hanzhuang (漢裝) or Huafu (華服). Some are even pushing for daily wear. Reinstating the Hanfu style? While Chinese actresses often wear Qipaos to world events, a movement started in 2003 to reinstate the Hanfu as China’s traditional outfit. Which do you like best? The Qipao? The Hanfu? Which would you wear? Stay in touch with us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest. See here and here for pictures of modern-day Hanfu-wearing. Try the best way to learn Chinese today. Ninchanese is free to use!

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